What is the Success Rate of Smile Pro Eye Surgery?

Priya Dutta
4 min readNov 17, 2023

SMILE, which stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a revolutionary form of eye surgery that is gaining popularity due to its minimally invasive nature and promising results. As with any medical procedure, understanding the success rate is essential when considering treatment options. This piece will delve into the success rates of SMILE Pro eye surgery, providing prospective patients and medical practitioners with comprehensive insights into its efficacy and potential outcomes.

Smile Pro Surgery — Effective for Removing Glasses
Smile Pro Procedure — Laser Vision Correction

Understanding SMILE Pro Eye Surgery

SMILE eye surgery is a type of refractive procedure that corrects vision by reshaping the cornea. Unlike LASIK surgery, which uses a laser to create a flap in the cornea before reshaping it, SMILE surgery involves making a small incision and removing a small piece of tissue from within the cornea using a laser. This innovative technique has been found to be less invasive, with a shorter recovery time and potentially fewer side effects. It is also suitable for patients with higher degrees of myopia (nearsightedness) than LASIK surgery can typically correct.

Advantages of SMILE PRO over Traditional LASIK Procedures

SMILE PRO offers several advantages over traditional LASIK procedures, making it a more appealing choice for many patients. Firstly, since SMILE PRO does not involve creating a large corneal flap, it poses a significantly lower risk of dry eyes post-surgery, a common complication associated with LASIK.

Secondly, SMILE PRO is less invasive, reducing the likelihood of infection and speeding up the recovery process. Patients undergoing SMILE PRO report less discomfort during and after the procedure compared to traditional LASIK surgery.

Lastly, SMILE PRO can correct higher degrees of myopia, meaning it can be an effective solution for patients who may have been considered unsuitable candidates for LASIK. Consequently, SMILE PRO’s versatility and minimized risk make it an increasingly popular alternative to traditional LASIK procedures.

Success Rates of SMILE Pro Eye Surgery

The success rate of any medical procedure is determined by various factors, such as the skill and experience of the surgeon, the severity of the patient’s condition, and any underlying health issues.

SMILE PRO eye surgery, a relatively new entrant in the medical field, boasts an impressive success rate. In a comprehensive study that involved over 1,000 patients, a remarkable 93% of the participants attained 20/20 vision or better a year post-surgery. Further, a substantial 98.5% of patients noticed a significant enhancement in their vision without needing any additional treatment.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the success rates for SMILE PRO eye surgery:

  • 93% of patients achieve 20/20 vision or better a year after undergoing the procedure.
  • 98.5% of patients report a significant improvement in vision quality.
  • Over 90% of patients reach 20/20 vision or better without the need for any further treatment.

SMILE PRO eye surgery is not only effective but also a safe procedure. Complications are rare, and the majority of patients report no side effects. Dry eyes are the most commonly reported side effects, but these typically subside within a few weeks.

Safety Profile of SMILE PRO Eye Surgery

The SMILE PRO eye surgery boasts an excellent safety profile with minimal associated risks. Complications are rare, and when they do occur, they are typically minor and temporary. The most commonly reported side effect is dry eyes, which usually subside within a few weeks following the surgery.

Furthermore, serious complications, such as infection or significant vision loss, are extremely rare. It can be attributed to the non-invasive nature of the procedure and the advanced laser technology that it utilizes. In addition, because no large corneal flap is created in SMILE PRO surgery, there is less risk for flap-related complications, which are often seen in traditional LASIK procedures.

Therefore, SMILE PRO eye surgery, with its high success rate and excellent safety profile, provides a promising treatment option for those seeking visual correction.

Factors Influencing the Success Rate: Understanding Individual Variability

The success rate of SMILE PRO eye surgery, while impressive, is not a guaranteed outcome for every patient. Individual variability plays a significant role in the success of the procedure and the final results. Several factors contribute to this variability:

Patient’s Health Condition

The overall health condition of the patient can affect the outcome of the surgery. Patients with underlying health conditions such as diabetes or auto-immune diseases may face a slower recovery or increased risk of complications, which in turn can influence the success of the surgery.

Severity of Myopia

The degree of myopia that a patient presents can also influence the success of SMILE PRO. While SMILE PRO can correct higher degrees of myopia than traditional LASIK, patients with severe myopia may not achieve 20/20 vision and may require further treatments.

Age of the Patient

The patient’s age can also impact the success rate. Younger patients often recover more quickly and are more likely to attain optimal results, while older patients may experience a slower healing process.

Post-Surgery Care

Post-surgery care is another crucial factor in determining the success of SMILE PRO. Adherence to postoperative care instructions, such as the use of prescribed eye drops, avoiding strenuous activity, and protecting the eyes from dust and sunlight, can greatly affect the healing process and the outcome of the surgery.

Surgeon Expertise

Lastly, the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure can significantly affect the success rate. Surgeons with extensive experience in performing SMILE PRO surgeries are more likely to achieve successful results.

By understanding these individual variability factors, patients can have a more realistic expectation of the potential outcomes and make an informed decision about undergoing SMILE PRO eye surgery.



Priya Dutta

I'm content writer having 5 years of experience in medical. I have written contents on Smile Pro Eye Surgery.