Smile Pro Eye Surgery Near Me

Priya Dutta
4 min readDec 11, 2023

Seeking quality eye care? Find an expert surgeon at Smile Pro near you for professional, trustworthy eye surgery services.

SMILE Pro eye surgery is a minimally invasive laser vision correction procedure that can improve your nearsightedness or astigmatism. SMILE Pro uses a femtosecond laser to create a small lenticule within the cornea. This lenticule is then removed through a tiny incision, reshaping the cornea and correcting your vision. The entire procedure is performed without a flap, making it a faster and less invasive option than traditional LASIK surgery.

Smile Pro Laser Correction Nearby
Smile Pro Eye Surgery Near Your Location

Here’s a look at the availability of Smile Pro eye surgery across India:

Major Cities:

  • Delhi: Smile Pro surgery is widely available in Delhi NCR, with several experienced surgeons and eye hospitals offering the procedure.
  • Mumbai: Several leading eye hospitals in Mumbai offer Smile Pro surgery, providing access to advanced technology and experienced surgeons.
  • Bangalore: Bangalore is a hub for medical tourism, and many renowned eye hospitals offer Smile Pro surgery with world-class facilities and expertise.

Smaller Cities:

  • While less widespread than in major cities, Smile Pro surgery availability is gradually increasing in many smaller cities across India.
  • Cities like Jaipur, Pune, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, and Lucknow are now offering this procedure at select eye hospitals.
  • Additionally, several eye care centers and clinics are partnering with larger hospitals to offer Smile Pro surgery, enhancing accessibility in smaller towns.

Choosing the right doctor and hospital:

  • Doctor’s experience: Look for a doctor who is experienced in performing SMILE Pro and has a successful track record.
  • Hospital Accreditation: Look for hospitals accredited by national or international bodies like NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) or JCI (Joint Commission International). This indicates their adherence to quality standards and safety protocols.
  • Doctor Expertise: Ensure the surgeons performing SMILE Pro are experienced and have a proven track record of successful procedures. Check their qualifications, certifications, and number of Smile Pro surgeries performed.
  • Technology and Equipment: Verify that the hospital uses the latest SMILE Pro technology and equipment, such as the VisuMax femtosecond laser. This ensures accurate and efficient treatment.
  • Location and accessibility: Choose a hospital that’s conveniently located and easily accessible for follow-up appointments.

Reputation and Reviews:

  • Online Presence: Check the hospital’s online presence. A reputable hospital will likely have a well-maintained, informative website and active social media channels.
  • Patient Reviews: Look for patient reviews on the hospital’s website, social media, and third-party review sites. These can provide real insight into patient experiences.
  • Professional Ratings: Investigate ratings from professional organizations that can attest to the hospital’s service quality.
  • Recognitions and Awards: Acknowledgments from reputable organizations can further reinforce the hospital’s credibility.
  • Word of Mouth: Personal recommendations from friends, family, or acquaintances can also be a reliable source of information.

Pre-operative considerations:

  1. Comprehensive eye examination: Your eye specialist will conduct tests to determine if you’re suitable for SMILE Pro, ensuring the best outcomes.
  2. Medical history review: Share your medical history to enable informed decisions and tailor the treatment plan, minimizing complications.
  3. Discussion of expectations: Express your desired vision outcome and concerns, get realistic expectations, and feel confident before the SMILE Pro procedure.

Post-operative care:

  • It is crucial to diligently follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure optimal recovery and healing.
  • Use the prescribed eye drops as directed by your doctor, adhering to the recommended dosage and frequency.
  • To prevent irritation and potential complications, avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can introduce harmful bacteria or worsen any existing conditions.
  • Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses whenever you are outdoors. This will help safeguard against potential damage caused by excessive sun exposure.
  • It is important to attend all follow-up appointments scheduled by your doctor, as they provide an opportunity to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Costs and financing:

  • Upfront investment: SMILE Pro is a premium procedure and involves an upfront investment, varying based on location and surgeon’s expertise.
  • Insurance: Most insurance companies do not cover SMILE Pro as it’s considered a cosmetic procedure. Check with your provider for specific details.
  • Financing options: Many clinics offer financing options, allowing you to pay for the procedure in installments.
  • Payment methods: Clinics accept various payment methods, including credit cards, checks, and cash.
  • Long-term savings: While the initial cost may seem high, consider the long-term savings from not needing glasses or contact lenses.

Additional factors:

  • Availability of SMILE Pro: Not all hospitals offer SMILE Pro.
  • Your overall health: Certain medical conditions may disqualify you from SMILE Pro.
  • Your lifestyle: If you participate in contact sports, there may be better options than SMILE Pro.
  • Age requirements: Patients must be at least 18 years old to undergo SMILE Pro.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It’s best to postpone SMILE Pro until after pregnancy and breastfeeding, as hormonal changes can affect vision.
  • Possible complications: As with any medical procedure, there is a small risk of complications, which your doctor will discuss with you beforehand.



Priya Dutta

I'm content writer having 5 years of experience in medical. I have written contents on Smile Pro Eye Surgery.