Smile Pro Eye Surgery Full Form

Priya Dutta
4 min readDec 11, 2023

Smile Pro eye surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. Discover its full form and the benefits it offers for improved vision.

Smile Pro refers to Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, a revolutionary approach in corrective eye surgery. As the latest advancement in refractive surgery, Smile Pro significantly reduces the invasiveness of the procedure involved in vision correction. This technique offers numerous benefits, including minimal discomfort, reduced recovery time, and fewer risks of complications. The acronym ‘SMILE’ stands for a minimally invasive, laser-enabled procedure that is becoming increasingly popular for its precision, safety, and effectiveness. With Smile Pro, improved vision is now within easy grasp.

Smile Pro Robotic Surgery
SMILE PRO Laser Vision Correction Surgery
  1. S: Small — The term ‘Small’ in Smile Pro refers to the small incision made during the procedure. This is typically of 2–4mm, significantly smaller than in other refractive surgeries, making it a minimally invasive procedure.
  2. M: Minimally — ‘Minimally’ signifies the least amount of disruption caused to the cornea’s structure and minimal discomfort experienced by patients. This aspect of the procedure helps minimize recovery time.
  3. I: Incision — ‘Incision’ refers to the cut made by the surgeon in the cornea to extract the lenticule (a small piece of corneal tissue). The incision is made using a femtosecond laser for utmost precision.
  4. L: Lenticule — ‘Lenticule’ denotes the small piece of corneal tissue that is extracted through the small incision. Removing this lenticule alters the shape of the cornea, correcting the patient’s vision.
  5. E: Extraction — ‘Extraction’ in Smile Pro denotes the removal of the lenticule. There is no need to ablate or vaporize the corneal tissue as in other types of refractive surgeries.
  6. Pro: Professional — The term ‘Pro’ in Smile Pro stands for ‘Professional’, highlighting the high level of expertise required for performing this advanced surgical procedure. It also signifies the professional and precise outcome that patients can expect from the surgery, contributing to the overall improved vision.

This modern and efficient approach to vision correction, Smile Pro, or Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is redefining the landscape of refractive surgeries with its innovative technique and numerous benefits.

Smile Pro Advantages

  1. Minimally Invasive: The small incision of 2–4mm reduces the risk of complications and post-operative discomfort, making it a minimally invasive procedure compared to other refractive surgeries.
  2. Fast Recovery: The recovery time is significantly reduced due to the minimal disruption to the cornea’s structure. Patients can typically return to their normal routine within a few days.
  3. Precision: The use of a femtosecond laser enables unparalleled precision in making the incision and extracting the lenticule, ensuring accurate correction of vision.
  4. No Ablation: Unlike other refractive surgeries, there is no need to ablate or vaporize the corneal tissue in Smile Pro, lowering the risk of dry eye syndrome.
  5. Preservation of Corneal Strength: As Smile Pro involves the extraction of the lenticule rather than ablating corneal tissue, the structural integrity of the cornea is better preserved, contributing to its long-term health.
  6. Professional Results: Smile Pro is performed by expert surgeons, ensuring highly professional outcomes in vision correction.
  7. Suitability: Smile Pro is suitable for treating a wide range of refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, making it a versatile option for vision correction.

In recent years, Smile Pro eye surgery has seen various enhancements, contributing to its increased effectiveness and popularity:

  1. Advancements in Laser Technology: Improved femtosecond laser technology has enhanced the precision and effectiveness of the incision and lenticule extraction in Smile Pro surgery.
  2. Improved Treatment Algorithms: The development of more sophisticated treatment algorithms has allowed for greater customization of the procedure, accommodating a wider range of refractive errors.
  3. Expanded Suitability: Enhancements have expanded the suitability of Smile Pro for patients with thin corneas, dry eyes, or contact lens intolerance who were previously unsuitable for other refractive surgeries.
  4. Shorter Procedure Time: Technological advancements have reduced the time required for the Smile Pro procedure, further minimizing the discomfort experienced by patients.
  5. Enhanced Patient Comfort: Improved surgical techniques have made the procedure more comfortable for patients, with fewer reports of post-operative discomfort.
  6. Greater Predictability of Results: Advances in pre-operative diagnostic assessments have improved the predictability of the surgical outcome, enhancing patient satisfaction.
  7. Preservation of Corneal Nerves: Technological improvements have better preserved corneal nerves, reducing the risk of post-operative dry eye symptoms.
  8. Increased Patient Satisfaction: Enhanced precision and reduced recovery time, combined with fewer post-operative complications, have resulted in increased patient satisfaction after Smile Pro surgery.

Smile Pro represents a Model shift in refractive surgeries, offering a minimally invasive and highly precise vision correction technique. Its innovative process, involving a small incision, lenticule extraction with no ablation, and quick recovery time, has contributed to its growing popularity. Advancements in laser technology, improved treatment algorithms, and expanded suitability further enhance its effectiveness. Additionally, the preservation of corneal nerves and greater predictability of results increase patient satisfaction. Smile Pro, with its professional results and high precision, is redefining the landscape of vision correction surgeries, making it a strong choice for those seeking to correct their vision.



Priya Dutta

I'm content writer having 5 years of experience in medical. I have written contents on Smile Pro Eye Surgery.