Smile Pro Eye Surgery Eligibility

Priya Dutta
4 min readDec 12, 2023

Discover if you’re eligible for Smile Pro eye surgery. Get comprehensive insights and make an informed decision.

Smile Pro, short for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a minimally invasive laser vision correction procedure used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. This revolutionary procedure has gained popularity due to its quick recovery time and high success rate. However, only some may be suitable candidates for Smile Pro eye surgery. In this document, we will discuss the factors that determine eligibility for Smile Pro and provide useful information to help you make an informed decision.

Smile Pro Robotic Eye Laser
Smile Pro Robotic Eye Surgery

Eligibility criteria can vary depending on the clinic and surgeon. Adhering to eligibility considerations ensures:

  1. Safety: Not all individuals can safely undergo Smile Pro. Following eligibility guidelines helps avoid complications.
  2. Effective outcomes: Eligibility criteria are designed to ensure the procedure can effectively correct your vision.
  3. Long-term success: Meeting these criteria increases the likelihood of long-term positive results.
  4. Minimized side-effects: Compliance can help minimize potential side-effects and post-operative discomfort.
  5. Informed decision making: Understanding these factors helps you make an informed decision about the procedure, ensuring it aligns with your vision correction goals and health situation.

Consider regarding Smile Pro Eye Surgery Eligibility:


  • Minimum age: While 18 is generally considered the minimum age, some clinics may require patients to be older, typically 21 or 22. This is because vision tends to stabilize around this age.
  • Maximum age: There’s no strict maximum age for Smile Pro, but most clinics prefer patients under 40 years old. This is because the cornea’s regenerative capacity declines with age, potentially impacting healing and outcomes.

Eye health:

  • Dry eyes: Mild dry eyes may be manageable with pre-operative treatment. However, severe dry eyes can significantly increase the risk of complications and compromise outcomes, making Smile Pro unsuitable.
  • Eye diseases: Pre-existing eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, or retinal diseases can disqualify you from Smile Pro.
  • Corneal abnormalities: Certain corneal conditions, like thinning or irregularities, can make Smile Pro unsafe or ineffective.
  • Corneal thickness: Adequate corneal thickness is essential for successful surgery. Surgeons will measure your corneal thickness to ensure it meets the minimum requirement for the procedure.
  • Eye pressure: Abnormally high or low eye pressure can be a contraindication for Smile Pro.

Refractive error:

  • Myopia: Smile Pro offers a cutting-edge solution to correct mild to moderate myopia, usually up to -8.00 diopters. With its advanced technology, it provides precise and efficient vision correction. In certain cases of higher degrees of myopia, alternative procedures may be recommended by our experienced professionals to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.
  • Astigmatism: Smile Pro is designed to address and correct astigmatism, even up to -5.00 diopters. By leveraging its advanced capabilities, Smile Pro offers an effective and reliable solution for individuals with astigmatism, providing clear and crisp vision.
  • Hyperopia: At present, Smile Pro does not offer treatment for hyperopia. However, our dedicated team of experts is continuously researching and developing innovative solutions to expand Smile Pro’s capabilities and cater to a wider range of vision correction needs. Stay tuned for future updates and advancements in our offerings.

General health:

  • Overall Health: Candidates for Smile Pro should be in good general health. Conditions like diabetes, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis may affect healing and outcomes post-surgery.
  • Pregnancy/Nursing: These conditions can cause temporary changes in the cornea, making measurements unreliable. Women are generally advised to postpone surgery until several months after childbirth or nursing.
  • Medications: Certain drugs, particularly those affecting the immune system, can impact healing. Always disclose your medication history to your surgeon.
  • Unstable Vision: Candidates should have stable vision for at least one year before surgery. Significant changes in prescription may affect the accuracy of surgical outcomes.

Lifestyle factors:

  • Smoking: Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications during and after surgery. Patients must quit smoking at least three months before and after the procedure.
  • Contact lens wear: Contact lenses can temporarily reshape the cornea, impacting the accuracy of pre-operative measurements. You must stop wearing contact lenses for at least one week before the surgery.
  • Realistic expectations: It’s crucial to understand that Smile Pro is not a magic bullet. Discuss potential outcomes and limitations with your surgeon to ensure realistic expectations.
  • Financial considerations: Smile Pro can be a significant investment. Consider your budget and explore financing options before making a decision.

Additional factors:

  • Pupil size: Larger pupils may be susceptible to certain post-operative complications. Your surgeon will consider your pupil size during the pre-operative assessment.
  • Corneal curvature: The shape of your cornea influences the suitability of Smile Pro. Your surgeon will analyze your corneal curvature to determine if it’s compatible with the procedure.
  • Occupation/activities: Certain occupations or activities that put excessive strain on the eyes may make Smile Pro unsuitable for some individuals. Discuss these with your surgeon during the consultation.
  • Individual needs and preferences: Ultimately, your surgeon will consider all your factors, including vision goals, lifestyle, and medical history, to determine if Smile Pro is the right choice for you.



Priya Dutta

I'm content writer having 5 years of experience in medical. I have written contents on Smile Pro Eye Surgery.