Do I Need To Wear Sunglasses After SMILE Surgery?

Explore the necessity of wearing sunglasses post-SMILE surgery and the potential impacts on your vision and eye health.

Priya Dutta
4 min readFeb 9, 2024

Patients who have undergone SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) surgery wonder about the postoperative precautions they should take, and one of the most common concerns is whether they need to wear sunglasses after the procedure. This concern stems from the desire to protect the eyes from potential harm and ensure optimal healing and recovery. This article will delve into the necessity of wearing sunglasses following SMILE surgery and how it could potentially impact your vision and overall eye health. We’ll discuss the pros and cons and provide advice from ophthalmologists to give you a well-rounded understanding of this aspect of postoperative eye care.

SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) eye surgery is a refractive surgery procedure used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. After undergoing SMILE surgery, wearing sunglasses can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Protection from UV Rays: Sunglasses with UV protection help shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Exposure to UV rays can contribute to eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. After SMILE surgery, your eyes may be more sensitive to light, making UV protection essential for maintaining eye health.
  2. Reducing Glare: SMILE surgery can lead to increased sensitivity to bright light, especially in the initial days or weeks post-surgery. Sunglasses help to reduce glare, making it more comfortable for you to be outdoors, especially in bright sunlight.
  3. Minimizing Eye Strain: Bright sunlight and glare can cause eye strain, and after SMILE surgery, your eyes may need some time to adjust to different light conditions. Sunglasses can alleviate eye strain by reducing the intensity of bright light.
  4. Preventing Dry Eyes: After refractive surgery, including SMILE, you may experience temporary dry eyes as part of the healing process. Sunglasses can help by protecting your eyes from wind and other environmental factors that can exacerbate dryness.
  5. Avoiding Irritants: Sunglasses act as a barrier against airborne particles, dust, and other potential irritants that could compromise the healing process after SMILE surgery. They provide a physical shield, preventing foreign objects from coming into direct contact with your eyes.
  6. Promoting Healing: Wearing sunglasses helps create a conducive environment for the healing of your eyes. By minimizing exposure to harsh sunlight and environmental elements, you reduce the risk of complications and promote a smoother recovery process.
  7. Enhancing Comfort: Sunlight, especially on bright days, can be uncomfortable for recently operated eyes. Sunglasses offer comfort and protection, allowing you to engage in outdoor activities without discomfort.
  8. Reducing Photophobia: Photophobia, or light sensitivity, is a common side effect after SMILE surgery. Sunglasses help minimize the discomfort associated with bright light and allow you to be more comfortable when exposed to various lighting conditions.
  9. Enhancing Visual Clarity: Sunglasses with appropriate coatings and filters can improve contrast and reduce glare, leading to enhanced visual clarity. This can be particularly useful during activities like driving or outdoor sports where visual acuity is crucial.
  10. Maintaining Privacy: During the initial recovery period after SMILE surgery, your eyes may appear red or sensitive. Wearing sunglasses provides a level of privacy and may discourage people from making direct eye contact, giving you time to heal without unnecessary attention.
  11. Preventing Infections: Sunglasses act as a barrier against airborne particles, wind, and dust, which could carry bacteria. This added protection reduces the risk of postoperative infections and complications.
  12. Compliance with Postoperative Instructions: Ophthalmologists often recommend wearing sunglasses as part of the postoperative care instructions. Adhering to these recommendations is essential for a successful recovery and optimal visual outcomes after SMILE surgery.

Types of Sunglasses recommended post SMILE Eye Surgery:

After undergoing SMILE eye surgery, your eyes will be sensitive to light and prone to dryness for some time. Choosing the right kind of sunglasses is crucial to ensure optimal comfort and healing. Here are some key features to look for:

1. UV Protection: This is non-negotiable. Opt for sunglasses with 100% UV protection or “UV400” labeling, which blocks both UVA and UVB rays that can damage your eyes.

2. Wraparound Frames: These provide wider coverage around your eyes and temples, shielding them from sunlight coming in at angles. This is especially important during activities like driving or spending time outdoors.

3. Polarized Lenses: These lenses reduce glare from reflective surfaces like water, snow, or the road, enhancing visual clarity and comfort. They’re particularly beneficial if you spend a lot of time outdoors or engage in activities like driving or water sports.

4. Comfortable Fit: Your sunglasses should fit snugly but not be too tight, avoiding pressure on your healing eyes. Choose a lightweight frame material like plastic or nylon for added comfort.

5. Additional Features: Some sunglasses offer additional features like mirrored lenses for extra glare reduction or transition lenses that adapt to changing light conditions. These can be good options depending on your needs and preferences.

Here are some specific types of sunglasses that are well-suited for post-SMILE surgery:

  • Aviator: The classic aviator style with wraparound frames and polarized lenses is a popular choice.
  • Wayfarer: Another timeless style with a comfortable fit and good coverage.
  • Sports sunglasses: Designed for active lifestyles, these often have wraparound frames, polarized lenses, and features like sweat-resistant materials.
  • Oversized sunglasses: These offer maximum coverage and protection, ideal for people with sensitive eyes.



Priya Dutta

I'm content writer having 5 years of experience in medical. I have written contents on Smile Pro Eye Surgery.